Ashley Tincher, Certified Nurse Practitioner
(614) 300-7988
A Bit About Me
Thank you so much for taking the time to learn more about our organization! I have a passion to help people! My heart is full when others are happy! I am the mother of 3 boys and the wife of an amazing husband. My husband is a physician and the Medical Director for 4 You. I also work in the emergency department of a local hospital and together we look forward to caring for patients in our new MedSpa!
I hold the following degrees:
- Master’s degree in Nursing
- Master’s degree in Healthcare Administration
- Bachelor’s degree in Business from The Ohio State University
- Associate’s degree in Nursing
I began working in long term care beginning at age 16 and progressively moved into the role of Administrator. I have also held roles such as Chief Operating Officer of a small start-up hospital. After being on the business side of operations for many years I realized that my heart was far more interested in the clinical management. I enjoy interacting with patients and helping them directly. This is why I became a Nurse Practitioner. I am absolutely fulfilled and love what I do! I am grateful for the opportunity to care for each and every patient.
I was drawn to aesthetics because I love the art and creativity associated with it! Also because it’s kind of magical! Getting rid of wrinkles! Pretty cool! Weight loss is by far my favorite line though and what I am most passionate about. I am an avid runner who only 5 years ago could barely make it to the end of my drive way! Running is my happy place!
Thanks again for taking the time to learn more about me and all my speciality services at: www.4youhealth.net